Sunday, 2 October 2011

Vodafone 3G K3570-Z unlock procedure

Please visit site:
Click here...
Register on this site and download the rar file..
Then follow the steps below..
Referrer: sandipnrathod

Place this files & folder into the below path

C:\Program Files\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Broadband\Opco

provided By FoRuPeOpLe

And here is the Steps:
Hi all..
If your Vodafone dongle is Software locked then
here is the guidelines to use the other service provider SIM card with your Vodafone mobile connect application (VMC).
Basically if you use other SIM cards, VMC wil say "Invalid SIM, please contact customer care"

It is little complex, but I think you can do it easily.

You have to modify the below 3 files on the below location where
you have installed VMC (Default path is C:\Program Files\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Broadband\Opco)
Here you will find your country name (In my case I selected "India")
basically you have to add a additional MCC MNC Code (Mobile Country & network code configuration)
for your SIM card which is non-Vodafone SIM.

You can find out your SIM Card MCC MNC code from your "Customer Support" or from the below URL

I have used the SIM card from the Service provider "Airtel" it is from India and the
MCCMNC config file for Airtel is missing in the folder "C:\Program Files\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Broadband\Opco\India"

So now you have to add my SIM cards MCCMNC configuration into VMC.

just open the below file named "Opcos.XML" for adding the "Airtel" network code details
C:\Program Files\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Broadband\Opco\Opcos.XML
Backup a copy of your existing file Opcos.xml & edit as per the below example (here My provider is "Airtel")
Now Delete all the content of the file & add the below 4 lines into it & edit the "CCMNC" code of
yours SIM provider & "Opco" is the provider name & "country"=your country name

[COLOR="Blue"]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <OpcoEntry CCMNC="40492" Opco="Airtel" Country="India" Phone="9892012345" PhonePrefix="+91" TrunkPrefix="0" DisplayLocalNumber="true" />

Now you have to add another 2 new configuration file into VMC on the below location
C:\Program Files\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Broadband\Opco\India
file 1 should be your SIM card provider "MNC Code.XML" (for me it is 40492.xml) &
file 2 should be "Opco-your SIM MNC code.xml" (For me it is Opco-40492.xml)

you can see below the example of the file1 40492.xml
Here you have to edit CCMNC, OPco, Country, Phone Prefix & APN information as per the below example
Here my 'Airtel" APN is '"
You just edit & save the file as per your SIM provider requirement.

[COLOR="blue"]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OPCO xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <OpcoData CCMNC="40492" Opco="Airtel" Country="India" Phone="9815051914" PhonePrefix="+91" />
  <APNs DefaultAccount="Prepaid" SwitchMarketSegment="true">
    <APN Account="Prepaid" Apn="" HomeOP="" Name="Prepaid" Pass="" I="0" User="">
    <APN Account="Prepaid" Apn="" HomeOP="" Name="Prepaid" Pass="" I="0" User="">

Now the another file 2 which is named "Opco-40492.xml" see the below examples
here you have to edit only URL address (in my case it is [CODE][/CODE])
and save the file.

[COLOR="blue"]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OPCO xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <WWAN Data="1000" Time="1200" WarnBefore="true" WarnWhen="true" />
      <WLAN Data="500" WarnBefore="true" WarnWhen="true" />

Now you can start VMC with other service provider SIM card and connect to the internet.

You can find the attached file for your reference which I have made for Provider Airtel India. You can download & edit the files as per your requirements.
kindly share your result..


  1. hi my friend i am come a power full trick to hack vodafone K3770z dongle .
    you have problem of uncloak Vodafone K3770z?
    you want to unlock your Vodafone K3770z?
    you can do it your self with out any software.
    with out change original Dash board .means your software will remain save as company provide you.
    only make two change on software .
    i done it and you also can do?
    call me 8962240133
    or write me on facebook wall
    profile name is pankaj kumar
    and i will solve your problem.....
    so now connect me and solve your problem

    this is free of any physical damag of device

    1. join me in this site here you can find your answer.

  2. Nice information Pankaj, Thanks for providing this. I was also stuck in the similar type of problem. When I changing my phone network my phone got locked and it stopped working. Then I got unlock codes from unlock unit and unlocked my phone easily.
